cscript c:\inetpub\adminscripts\adsutil.vbs SET /w3svc/AppPools/Enable32BitAppOnWin64 False
2. Then you have to change the directory to
" C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework64\
3. Finally run the following command
aspnet_regiis.exe -i
No specific description, But many....
Microsoft technet web site said this error can be fixed by installing the SP2 of SQL SERVER.
But i was already installed SP2 and i confused with this situation.
After searching through the internet, Finally i found a solution.
This error comes because of installing the service pack in Cluster environment, sometimes the post scripts (sql queries) didnt run properly. So according to this problem i have to run the following sql query from SQL MANAGMENT STUDIO manually.This was totally solve my problem.
C:\program files\microsoft sql server\mssql.1\mssql\install\sysdbupg.sql
Hope this will help to you.